
Monday 19 October 2015

ARC Review: Love And Other Alien Experiences by Kerry Winfrey

Release Date: 10, November, 2015
Pages: 256
Genre: Contemporary, Mental Health, Romance
Publisher: The Studio
Source: Publisher
Rate: 5/5


In this heartwarming debut by HelloGiggles blogger Kerry Winfrey, a young agoraphobe begins a journey of first love that leads her to the true meaning of home—just by taking one small step outside of her house. 

My name is Mallory Sullivan.

My therapist says I have an anxiety disorder.

My brother says I’m an “optimistic recluse.”

Everybody else says I'm a freak.

And they kind of have a point, because I haven't left the house in 67 days and only attend class via the webcam on my laptop. The person I talk to the most other than my mom and brother is the completely obnoxious BeamMeUp, and all we do is argue on New Mexico’s premiere alien message board.

But after yesterday, I have something: a chance. If I can win the homecoming crown by convincing resident hot popular guy and Friday Night Lights spawn Brad Kirkpatrick to go as my date, then maybe #stayathome will never appear next to the name @Mallory_Sullivan ever again. 

First, I have to leave my room.


Love And Other Alien Experiences is a really quick story. It's a fun filled and cute story. I totally fell in love with this story.
This book will give you so many feels. It'll make you laugh, cry, angry and excited. I couldn't put this book down and finished it in three hours. This book totally left me wanting for more.
This story is literally EPIC!
Seriously EPIC!
Love And Other Alien Experiences is the story of an agoraphobic teenage girl. Mallory can't go outside of her home. She studies at school while sitting at her home with the help of a web cam. Mallory has no social life. No one knows her, she's like this dumb invisible person at school. Her life is a complete challenge. But something extremely exciting happens.
She gets nominated for homecoming queen. Now this is the part from where the oh my god story starts. Her brother and best friend are boosting her up while the whole school is making fun of her but Mallory needs to win this title so she can win the money and secretly meet her dad who doesn't care if his children are still alive.
This story has a really cute irritating love triangle that'll probably bore you. But I loved it anyways. You'll feel yourself totally connected to the character as she tells you more about her oh so full of depressing life. The pressure from her mom , her therapist's forcing... it's sometimes cruel but Mallory needed that.
I really want to tell you more but it's best for you to find out the rest by yourself.
Love And Other Alien Experiences is recommended to everyone. This story is written in an amazing way and is really emotional. You'll find yourself crying at the end. The ending is perfect. Maybe some people won't find this story interesting but I think everyone should give it a try.
Thank you Paper Lantern Lit for the book!
Happy Reading! <3

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